(8:56 AM) *** JR Roden has joined the room ***
(8:58 AM) *** micwlm has joined the room ***
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(9:04 AM) *** billbTN has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: Yes , it will get it !
tomthetrader: anyone need a position in TRADERS or did everyone buy already ?
(9:07 AM) steve_45_4: Traders is back to 100 % long?
(9:07 AM) redliontrader: yes, how about commodity play?
(9:08 AM) JR Roden: What's causing the big pre-market move this AM?
(9:08 AM) *** infos2 has joined the room ***
(9:09 AM) TraderTim: CHINA!!!
(9:10 AM) TraderTim: Commodities!!!
tomthetrader: Yes Steve need any positions ?
tomthetrader: can you trade AH or not until 9:30 am
(9:12 AM) steve_45_4: yep . did get your emails so I know your favorites
tomthetrader: Thanks
(9:12 AM) steve_45_4: ah and before I can trade
tomthetrader: you can also sneak into ZF UWM calls TF futures
tomthetrader: FWLT
tomthetrader: IBM
tomthetrader: BA
(9:14 AM) steve_45_4: ty much
tomthetrader: or any 2x -3x ETF
(9:14 AM) steve_45_4: ok I like tna and bgu
(9:14 AM) *** csu30 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: ES we reentered again in the 690 area but won't track that ...we will go from the TTT Buy signal 704 area
tomthetrader: so RFL TNA UWM MNX Calls FAS
tomthetrader: UYG
tomthetrader: I put on the blog TNA
(9:17 AM) *** pointfisher has joined the room ***
(9:20 AM) *** rekon8 has joined the room ***
(9:20 AM) aszags: y
(9:21 AM) *** CANWEST2 has joined the room ***
(9:21 AM) les13436: gm all
(9:21 AM) rekon8: good morning
(9:21 AM) don_2007_: gm
(9:21 AM) JR Roden: gm all
(9:21 AM) steve_45_4: gm
(9:21 AM) wclegg: gm
(9:21 AM) csu30: good morning
(9:21 AM) billbTN: gm
(9:21 AM) TraderTim: y
(9:21 AM) bloomert: gm
(9:21 AM) tcb66: Y
(9:21 AM) *** anhnhon72 has joined the room ***
(9:21 AM) redliontrader: y
(9:21 AM) *** jbljudy has joined the room ***
(9:21 AM) *** jbljudy has joined the room ***
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(9:26 AM) *** PhotosbyDill has joined the room ***
(9:26 AM) TraderTim: TF 354
(9:26 AM) TraderTim: yesterday
(9:26 AM) TraderTim: amazing
(9:28 AM) aszags: Tom you are more confident that today a negative reversal will not take place today as it did yesterday
(9:30 AM) JR Roden: UYG jumped right up to 1.99 at the open
(9:34 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +1666 Trin: .83
(9:34 AM) TraderTim: BKX: +3%
(9:35 AM) TraderTim: VIX: 48 -6%
(9:37 AM) *** wclegg has joined the room ***
(9:38 AM) TraderTim: Investors Intelligence: Bulls 29.7% vs. 28.6% Bears 44% vs. 45.1% Correction 26.3% vs. 26.3%
(9:39 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +2013 Trin: .8
(9:46 AM) *** TraderTim has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: Thank Tim
(9:47 AM) *** bloomert has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: FCX our favorite stock with CELG
(9:48 AM) TraderTim: GE not helping
(9:48 AM) TraderTim: BXK: +1.4%
tomthetrader: UYG 1.90 IS A STEAL
(9:49 AM) *** rekon8 has joined the room ***
(9:51 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +1789 Trin: .94 BKX: +.1% (falling from highs so far)
(9:51 AM) *** csu30 has joined the room ***
(9:51 AM) TraderTim: So want it above 1500 and near 2000
(9:52 AM) rekon8: yes
(9:52 AM) wclegg: UYG 1.86
tomthetrader: GE hit 6.31
tomthetrader: 50 billion in cash
tomthetrader: 500 billion to 67 billion market value in GE ....unreal
tomthetrader: UYG is a steal in here
tomthetrader: 1.80 -2.00 for longer term holders and the July 3.00 calls are CHEAP
tomthetrader: TF 366.00 a good buy
tomthetrader: TNA UWM IWM calls
tomthetrader: Oil is on schedule again for $50 on March 31st
tomthetrader: USO OIH DIG
(9:57 AM) *** arujunaa has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: I like DIG the best
tomthetrader: commodities
tomthetrader: DAG
tomthetrader: is our best position
tomthetrader: and DBC is also a great one
tomthetrader: GOOG having problems is not good news for Naza
(9:58 AM) TraderTim: Goog is heavy -2%
tomthetrader: Just think today is different ?
tomthetrader: The A/D line has got to lead the rally
tomthetrader: we need 2000+ on the close
tomthetrader: up down both volume and a/d
tomthetrader: 10:1
tomthetrader: CSCO acting well
tomthetrader: ISRG underowned now
tomthetrader: CAT
tomthetrader: BA
tomthetrader: CAL
tomthetrader: FWLT
tomthetrader: LLL
tomthetrader: UNP
tomthetrader: SM
tomthetrader: MEE
tomthetrader: CELG
tomthetrader: GILD
tomthetrader: DAG
tomthetrader: DBC
tomthetrader: CHK
(10:00 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +1489 Trin: .95 BKX: +0%
tomthetrader: CSCO
tomthetrader: IBM
tomthetrader: QCOM
tomthetrader: AA
tomthetrader: FCX
tomthetrader: NUE
tomthetrader: 3.02 10 year
tomthetrader: good ISM ..a bit better than expected
(10:01 AM) redliontrader: r200o strongest 2 day, naz weakest
(10:02 AM) JR Roden: Q's making double top w/negative divergence on 5 min chart.
tomthetrader: you thinking short JR ?
tomthetrader: BIG up
(10:04 AM) JR Roden: no, I' just think there might be a pause / pullback here for another buying opportunity
(10:05 AM) JR Roden: The volume has also declined on both up waves this AM
tomthetrader: yes
tomthetrader: a lot are looking to sneak in and a rollover today with A/D line above 1500 would be a good buy
tomthetrader: remember we are still in amateur hour and 11;00am will let us know if it is SAFE to drive longer
tomthetrader: I am starting to like URE also
tomthetrader: URE
tomthetrader: UYG
tomthetrader: RFL
tomthetrader: all penny stocks we can all take a shot at
(10:07 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +1670 Trin: .87 BKX: +.25%
tomthetrader: as good as options
(10:07 AM) redliontrader: ibm rolled over
(10:08 AM) *** thomas_Poland has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: Tech should be OK and IBM should hit 100 on options expiration
tomthetrader: BIDU is the new GOOG ?
tomthetrader: Bidu calls are expensive even when it is off 20
tomthetrader: POLL : Does anyone TRUST this rally ?
(10:10 AM) ajayvee: not yet
(10:10 AM) TraderTim: P/C 10 sma: .94 (raw 1.01)
(10:11 AM) TraderTim: P/C 10 sma for Oct lows was 1.2
tomthetrader: we will buy some futures in here as the news flows start to come out
(10:11 AM) TraderTim: P/C: 10 sma for Nov lows was 1.04
tomthetrader: 704.00 LONG 10 Contracts
(10:12 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +1279 Trin: .99 BXK: -1.4%
(10:12 AM) TraderTim: Nick: Broke Opening Range lower band (bears trying to take control)
(10:13 AM) *** bogdan07 has joined the room ***
(10:14 AM) JR Roden: I am paper trading that double top w/negative divergence on teh 5 min q chart. My 27 put would already be .05. However, the Q's are trying to bounce off of 13 EMA.
tomthetrader: so it was a key or no event /
tomthetrader: again sorry for anyone having paltalk problems
tomthetrader: please let me know
tomthetrader: and we will do our best
(10:17 AM) TraderTim: A/D: -1049 Trin: 1.2 BKX: -2.65% (banks doing the damage again)
tomthetrader: Yes waiting on Geithner /
tomthetrader: LOD
(10:18 AM) redliontrader: N100 ad line very strongest, NAZ market weakest, wierd
tomthetrader: yes risk in the lower quality tech
tomthetrader: WFC March 10 calls
tomthetrader: 100 contracts
tomthetrader: stock at 10.10
tomthetrader: adding to ES at 701 10 contracts long
(10:21 AM) PhotosbyDill: P 457 on calls buy yesterday DD and DE Sold to Close at high open this morning
tomthetrader: we still think we can pull today off
tomthetrader: Gary ...good to see you !!!!
tomthetrader: Need some fresh Colorado air
(10:22 AM) PhotosbyDill: Hi Tom. Also bto DE Put out to 2010
tomthetrader: CRB index can be tracked bought via many areas
tomthetrader: Thanks Buddy word from the Doc ?
tomthetrader: OIL acting well
tomthetrader: LOD Dow
tomthetrader: Q's up 1.4%
tomthetrader: SCHW is down ...very concerning that all financials are down
tomthetrader: I guess the news out is going to be seen as - for banks
(10:28 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +999 Trin: 1.36 BKX: -2.6%
(10:29 AM) redliontrader: good little jmp here
tomthetrader: 30 contracts averaged around 700 ES
tomthetrader: GLW is aBUIY
(10:31 AM) redliontrader: nq futures near hod
tomthetrader: NQ futures were UP yesterday
tomthetrader: so the strength is there
tomthetrader: WE WILL DAY TRADE 10000 sh of GE
(10:34 AM) PhotosbyDill: Received a text from Doc Sunday. He was planting flowers. He just doing a little right now in the market
(10:35 AM) PhotosbyDill: Different than going fishing
(10:35 AM) bloomert: GE 6.11/12
(10:35 AM) les13436: 6.10 /6.11
(10:35 AM) aszags: ge 6.1
tomthetrader: Thanks
(10:36 AM) bloomert: GE 6.08/09
tomthetrader: I got some all in that area
tomthetrader: average 6.10
tomthetrader: for GE
tomthetrader: Day trade
tomthetrader: 6.10 GE 10K sh for a day trade stop 5.99
tomthetrader: 2-1 a/d line overall
(10:39 AM) redliontrader: uyg 1,80
(10:39 AM) DE_TTT: Clearly a GE short raid...just bot some 2.5 calls
(10:41 AM) redliontrader: keep talking, every time you talk the market spikes
tomthetrader: 6.25 stop now
(10:42 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +1382 Trin: 1.03 BKX: -1.2%
(10:45 AM) JR Roden: Is it too late to jump in on WFC calls?
tomthetrader: RFL
tomthetrader: OR WFC calls
tomthetrader: XLF calls
tomthetrader: or just buy the UYG
(10:47 AM) don_2007_: stopped out on ge?
(10:48 AM) don_2007_: thx
tomthetrader: GE stopped at 6.25
(10:48 AM) don_2007_: say... what do you use to scan for stock?
tomthetrader: will take that day trade
tomthetrader: TSM
(10:50 AM) don_2007_: shoot ... that keeps you real busy
(10:50 AM) don_2007_: just a month now
tomthetrader: BA is one we have never owned
tomthetrader: HOD
(10:53 AM) DE_TTT: Need GE > 7
tomthetrader: GE will make 7.00 today !
(10:54 AM) TraderTim: A/D: -1411 Trin: 1.05 BXK: -1% P/C: 1.11 (raw)
tomthetrader: we will play futures as we are racking up huge gains
(10:54 AM) TraderTim: sorry +1411
(10:54 AM) redliontrader: what do you think about a beige book rally @ 2
(10:55 AM) redliontrader: Bernake was pretty bullish about GDP 4th quarter
tomthetrader: yes
(10:55 AM) les13436: L 300 GE @6.27
tomthetrader: Les is Hot ...we should see GE at 7.00 soon !
tomthetrader: 6.50 !
tomthetrader: GE report 6.28 now
tomthetrader: hit 5 handle
tomthetrader: 6.30
tomthetrader: -9.5%
tomthetrader: 6.35
tomthetrader: GE
tomthetrader: WFC 10.15
(11:00 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +1277 Trin: 1.05 BKX: -1.5%
(11:00 AM) billbTN: "I didn't really understand TurboTax but I certainly can manage the U.S. Economy"
(11:01 AM) thomas_Poland: Tom where on can I watch Geithner?
(11:02 AM) billbTN: " supporting tax increases for the rich"
(11:02 AM) thomas_Poland: ok I can see it
(11:03 AM) thomas_Poland: nice question
(11:03 AM) thomas_Poland: who is asking?
(11:03 AM) thomas_Poland: you actually have some smart people in Senate
(11:03 AM) thomas_Poland:
(11:04 AM) thomas_Poland: can you see me ?
(11:04 AM) thomas_Poland: ok
(11:04 AM) thomas_Poland: yes
(11:04 AM) thomas_Poland: I am behind you
(11:04 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +1446 Trin: 1.02 BKX: -.6%
tomthetrader: HOD
tomthetrader: FAS UYG
tomthetrader: if you can stomach them
tomthetrader: RFL
tomthetrader: GE over 6.50
tomthetrader: anyone enjoying this one ?
tomthetrader: UYG day trade long 10000 from 1.87
(11:16 AM) thomas_Poland: he is lying .. I mean Geithner
(11:16 AM) thomas_Poland: he will do a sh... to make banks pay more taxes
(11:16 AM) thomas_Poland:
(11:18 AM) redliontrader: fyi, my upvolume indicator shows weakness in the upvolume which usually means we will not have a trend up day, so there will be some pullbacks
(11:19 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(11:21 AM) *** ctmhou has joined the room ***
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tomthetrader: Brown of England delivers the goods to the congress
tomthetrader: OIL doing very well with commodities
tomthetrader: reflation instead of deflation
tomthetrader: where are those guys who were panicking over $50 oil ?
tomthetrader: must have asked me and Thomas 50 questions on USO ?
(11:25 AM) ctmhou: George was one, I think.
tomthetrader: Yes George Tanner !
tomthetrader: China Forex ?
tomthetrader: I think they are room bouncers
tomthetrader: go around and steal trades
(11:27 AM) ctmhou: Didn't he pay for the room?
(11:27 AM) ctmhou: If he was playing oil awhile back, then he is underwater.
(11:28 AM) ctmhou: Aren't they supposed to come out with oil reports?
tomthetrader: It is up 10 bucks from my buy signal and I said it would be at $50 March 31st
tomthetrader: so he will make a million /
(11:29 AM) redliontrader: were there no shorts left? I don't see any short squeezes
(11:29 AM) *** dhmohan1963 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: with this long of a BEAR ...they have taken all profits except in financials which they are trying to break still
(11:30 AM) ctmhou: YM is running up the best.
tomthetrader: QLD up 6%
tomthetrader: Is Zags in QLD ?
tomthetrader: I am sure he is mopping up !
(11:31 AM) ctmhou: On the 15 min charts, they look as if they are getting to be overbought. But.............
(11:34 AM) tomthetrader: tomthetrader has bounced micwlm from the chat room
(11:35 AM) redliontrader: my best pick of the day was IBM... hmmmm where did I get that from?
(11:35 AM) redliontrader: a little shaky
(11:36 AM) ctmhou: One ticket in New Jersey won a 212 million dollar lottery. Family member,Tom?
(11:36 AM) redliontrader: my father is from NJ, might be worth having a DNA test
(11:37 AM) ctmhou: LOL
tomthetrader: GE and financials still ?
tomthetrader: tomthetrader: UYG day trade long 10000 from 1.87
(11:16 AM) thomas_Poland: he is lying .. I mean Geithner
tomthetrader: we will sell 10 ES from 700 at 713
tomthetrader: 130 X $50 = $6500
tomthetrader: still have 20 ES 10 TF
(11:39 AM) ctmhou: Not bad for a day. Did Ryne help you with the buy signal?
tomthetrader: No he is just having a blast with his call options
(11:41 AM) ctmhou: Oh yeah?
tomthetrader: he is up 23k since the close on a 100K account MNX and OEX calls and some RIMM and AA calls
tomthetrader: Made maor in 3 hours trading than he did all year in baseball
(11:42 AM) ctmhou: WOW!
tomthetrader: TTT Buy signals usually bring wins
(11:42 AM) ctmhou: Chip off the old block?
tomthetrader: it may be painful but it usually brings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
tomthetrader: QCOM he was in monday
tomthetrader: INTC Tuesday
(11:44 AM) ctmhou: I need to learn a timeframe for your buys. You are usually early, but by how much? That is the question.
tomthetrader: and today OEX MNX
(11:44 AM) ctmhou: Does he like this business, Tom?
tomthetrader: That is the problem ...everyone wants the exact low
tomthetrader: I know no one who can get as close as we do
tomthetrader: If I did I would subscribe !
tomthetrader: If anyone does know ...let me know 1
(11:45 AM) ctmhou: I don't like any drawdown.
tomthetrader: He like the competition but he will probably work in baseball / coaching
(11:45 AM) ctmhou: I'd better get used to it, though.
(11:45 AM) ctmhou: Oh really?
tomthetrader: most do not like drawdown ...that is why we never get the whole run ..usually just part but it seems to always end in profits
(11:46 AM) ctmhou: I'm still learning.
tomthetrader: we all are
tomthetrader: I learned more in the past 6 months than past 6 years 1
(11:47 AM) ctmhou: I feel like something pops up everyday that makes me remember that I have a ton to learn.
(11:47 AM) billbTN: only Thomas catches the bottoms
(11:48 AM) JR Roden: WFC back down near the lows of the day.
(11:49 AM) *** minimasta has joined the room ***
(11:53 AM) ctmhou: yes
(11:53 AM) PhotosbyDill: y
(11:53 AM) billbTN: y
(11:53 AM) JR Roden: y
(11:53 AM) JR Roden: I jumped in on that JPMC call too late, so I'm hoping it keeps moving up.
(11:53 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +1677 Trin: 1.45 BKX: -1.3%
(11:54 AM) JR Roden: Make that the WFC call
(11:54 AM) TraderTim: VIX: 47 -7%
(11:54 AM) ctmhou: That's true, Tom'
(11:54 AM) PhotosbyDill: Possible support today @ES 705 ???
(11:54 AM) ctmhou: Can't wait
(11:56 AM) ctmhou: 713 is ES R1
(11:56 AM) DE_TTT: I like this setup...bottom callers being ridiculed and ppl worried GE going under.
(11:56 AM) DE_TTT: MR Chips still outperforming!
(11:57 AM) DE_TTT: TSM signed huge deal with INTC...first time they have EVER used a foundry. Like TSM and QCOM a lot.
(11:57 AM) DE_TTT: INTC will definitely fill up some fabs!!
(11:58 AM) DE_TTT: Yes...3G subs actually still growing...they will be fine.
tomthetrader: Way to stick with your trade
tomthetrader: we are in good shape
tomthetrader: Again still leveraged long 3:1 in Traders long
tomthetrader: Thank you for sharing that with us DE
(12:00 PM) DE_TTT: Also QCOM and MRVL
tomthetrader: You are the CHIEF CHIPS picker !
tomthetrader: Thank you !
tomthetrader: BRB
tomthetrader: Any questions ?
(12:10 PM) Alert: 2 new ways to find out the latest Paltalk happenings. Follow PALTALK on Twitter and add PALTALK PALS as a friend on Facebook
(12:14 PM) *** bloomert has joined the room ***
(12:16 PM) *** pupster has joined the room ***
(12:17 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +1565 Trin? 1.45 BKX: -3.3%
(12:22 PM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(12:38 PM) *** bloomert has joined the room ***
(12:39 PM) *** dhmohan1963 has joined the room ***
(12:43 PM) JR Roden: WFC getting crushed now.
(12:45 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +1554 Trin: 1.54 BKX: -4% (not good)
(12:54 PM) DE_TTT: European Markets Closing Prices: FTSE: 3645.9 +133.8 +3.8%, DAX: 3890.9 +200.2 +5.4%, CAC: 2675.7 +121.1 +4.7%
(12:58 PM) *** infos2 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: I am taking profits
tomthetrader: and selling some 3x ETF's as the banks collapse here ...can't lose hard gains
(1:03 PM) *** mike r_3 has joined the room ***
(1:03 PM) ctmhou: You must be having fun today, Tom?
(1:03 PM) aszags: uyg looks like it may disappear. It is down 50% from its last significant high of 3.6
(1:04 PM) steve_45_4: we need to stop the bullishness in the financials
(1:05 PM) aszags: wfc down almost 14%
tomthetrader: I will send a e-mail and will take off the main 3x etf's and will hold all stocks
tomthetrader: WFC got hit by the housing plan Zags HARD
tomthetrader: QLD is the place to be anything tech is OK
(1:13 PM) JR Roden: You guys should pay me to be a contrary indicator on TTT trades. If I take them (like WFC, which I got into late), they are guaranteed to do the opposite of what TTT expects.
tomthetrader: everyone says that JR
tomthetrader: No one would touch FCX !
(1:24 PM) *** rekon8 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: TNA up 5%
tomthetrader: BGU 2%
tomthetrader: DAG 8.5%
tomthetrader: AA10%
tomthetrader: FCX 20%
tomthetrader: BG 8.5%
tomthetrader: it is all financials that are taking the market up
tomthetrader: CHK added long
tomthetrader: looking for Dow to close up 230-275 points up
(1:49 PM) csu30: Taking a shot at WFC's double bottom, filled WFCCB 1.05
tomthetrader: WOW
tomthetrader: Craig is my type of trader !
tomthetrader: I am all over more QQQQ IWM and MNX calls long
tomthetrader: March til Friday
tomthetrader: IWM calls are really cheap
tomthetrader: anyone want to fill with me to verify
tomthetrader: any IWM March in the money
tomthetrader: QQQQ in the money
(1:56 PM) Alert: ====SECURITY BULLETIN!=======
Using utilites from third parties such as button holders, remote typers, etc ... are at risk of having their passwords stolen!
Many of these utilities contain trojans that report your nickname and password to the program's creator. We encourage everyone to change their password reguarly, and to uncheck the save password checkbox on the login screen.
If you do this, you will have to enter your password every time you log in, but it is a small price to pay to keep your account and password protected.
(1:56 PM) csu30: I'm learning from the best, Tom!
tomthetrader: Hope you say that at 4:00pm !
tomthetrader: keep your stops in and reenter if the a/d line holds 3-1 positive
(1:58 PM) DE_TTT: GE General Electric Director bought 30K shares at $7.66 on 03/02; Chairman of GE Capital bought 50K shares at $5.99-6.50 on 03/04 (6.33 -0.68) -Update-
(1:58 PM) DE_TTT: These mark the 8th and 9th purchase transactions disclosed in filings this week.
tomthetrader: Thanks DE
tomthetrader: Is this the BEARS last stand ?
tomthetrader: I am hoping so
tomthetrader: really I am sick of these guys 1
(2:02 PM) DE_TTT: GE starting to bust out
(2:06 PM) *** TraderTim has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: Yes sir
tomthetrader: I can feel it bring the whole market back DE
(2:10 PM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(2:11 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +1488 Trin: 1.39 BXK: -4.9%
tomthetrader: amazing
tomthetrader: as go the banks go the markets /
(2:17 PM) *** thomas_Poland has joined the room ***
(2:17 PM) DE_TTT: If GE goes green, look out bears...
tomthetrader: God I love it
tomthetrader: My Gosh
tomthetrader: could we get 400 points ?
(2:21 PM) les13436: Go GEE GO
tomthetrader: YEAH
tomthetrader: A GE holder !
tomthetrader: UYG AND WFC AND FAS shgould rally too
tomthetrader: again onthe close we will have 20 long ES and 10 long TF 364.00 and 700
tomthetrader: everything else we will sell at the close
(2:26 PM) *** wclegg has joined the room ***
(2:29 PM) ctmhou: GE is putting in a shooting star on 15 min chart. Which means down.
tomthetrader: We will see how that works out ....keep us updated on GE and BKX
tomthetrader: 6.66 GE
tomthetrader: RIO a BUY
tomthetrader: WFC 9.25 needs 10.00 on close
tomthetrader: 713.00 ES
tomthetrader: for those whom are up from 680 690 700 704 best take some off and reenter in options etc
(2:32 PM) ctmhou: 713 is R1 on ES
tomthetrader: we sold another 10 at 713.00
tomthetrader: 130 X 50 $4500
(2:33 PM) ctmhou: Es has hit 713 several times today and can't seem to get past that.
tomthetrader: 10 ES and 10 TF
tomthetrader: agree craig
(2:33 PM) DE_TTT: Citigroup sees no material impact on JPM from a downgrade of GE or GE Capital (19.46 -1.55) -Update-
(2:33 PM) ctmhou: Ca-ching
tomthetrader: Great news DE ?
tomthetrader: Cashin says could turn violent to the upside
(2:34 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +1512 Trin: 1.46 BKX: -5.2%
tomthetrader: tomorrow morning europe meetings on rate cuts
tomthetrader: BKX will finish GREEN ?
tomthetrader: ODDS ?
tomthetrader: Just think if you knew !
(2:37 PM) ctmhou: Can I take a mulligan and go back to 9/2008? I'll do better.
(2:37 PM) ctmhou: Promise
tomthetrader: yes ..I take a lot of mulligans XLKAT !
tomthetrader: my favorite all time **** star pick ever went to 0
tomthetrader: But have won a couple too
tomthetrader: NO ONE BUYING CALLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(2:40 PM) TraderTim: PC: 1.00 yep amazing it is above 1.0 with this run
(2:42 PM) JR Roden: WFC trying to break out over double top at 9.50
tomthetrader: target 725
tomthetrader: Market should reward CALL BUYERS
tomthetrader: we have some doubles today
tomthetrader: and they keep running AA RIMM FCX
tomthetrader: we will sell 10 more ES at 7171.50
tomthetrader: 717.50
tomthetrader: $8750
tomthetrader: we will keep our TF from 364 10 and 10 ES from 700
(2:47 PM) DE_TTT: SEC Review of Short Sale Rule?
tomthetrader: The news is GREAT
(2:49 PM) arujunaa: tom, that's just a great trade. congrats.
tomthetrader: Thank you
tomthetrader: Hope we have 20 more ES to go
tomthetrader: by Friday
tomthetrader: maybe today
tomthetrader: no one buying calls
tomthetrader: very good news for the close
tomthetrader: 10ES from 707 and 10 TF from 364 remain in futures plus 10000 TNA
(2:53 PM) JR Roden: How will the uptick rule affect the market?
(2:53 PM) arujunaa: isn't the ge rumour priced in already?
(2:53 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +1838 Trin: 1.41 BKX: -3.3%
(2:54 PM) arujunaa: price action tells me mkt only cares about sec rumour
(2:55 PM) billbTN: I'm holding my futures, bought yesterday, till tomorrow for the follow through day
tomthetrader: GREAT
(2:55 PM) billbTN: $$$$$$$$! thanks
tomthetrader: Let your profits run
tomthetrader: TTT BUY SIGNAL
(2:55 PM) billbTN: 10es, 10ym, 10nq
tomthetrader: Yes
tomthetrader: let them run buddy !
tomthetrader: Let t5hem run stop .5% back
tomthetrader: BILLBTN is on FIRE !
tomthetrader: FTD tomorrow
(2:57 PM) JR Roden: WFC went right up to 30 SMA on 5 min chart, before taking this dip
(2:57 PM) billbTN: ttt taught me to go whole hog at a major signal
(3:01 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +1850 Trin: 1.36 BKX: -3.1%
(3:01 PM) TraderTim: yes above 1500
(3:02 PM) TraderTim: new tradeable bottom
(3:02 PM) TraderTim: above 2000 close
(3:02 PM) TraderTim: on A/D
(3:02 PM) TraderTim: P/C: 1.02
(3:02 PM) TraderTim: no one is believing this rally (which is good)
tomthetrader: Again FCX 2x Normal volume
tomthetrader: CAT 15% uop
tomthetrader: BIG volume
(3:06 PM) TraderTim: Tom, TRIN is at 1.39. Would you expect it to be trending DOWN on a day like this?
(3:07 PM) DE_TTT: House to hold hearings on mark to market march 12
(3:08 PM) les13436: Thanks Tom, for the headsup on GE, sold 300 @6.78, made $150 on the trade. May have sold too early but a win is a win.
(3:10 PM) les13436: Can always reenter! Need some wins!
(3:11 PM) redliontrader: uyg 1.88
(3:12 PM) JR Roden: TTT - you might be right about WFC getting back to 10.00 by EOD.
(3:12 PM) JR Roden: unbelievable
(3:13 PM) redliontrader: Isn't it perfect this year , the ttt buy signal?
(3:14 PM) redliontrader: financials on a tear
(3:14 PM) redliontrader: uyg 1.92
tomthetrader: TF may make us 20K ?
tomthetrader: these are HUGE HUGE PROFITS OFF THE BUY SIGNAL and we are just starting
tomthetrader: LES Buy RFL ?
(3:16 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +1975 Trin: 1.45 BKX: -.5% TF: 374
tomthetrader: any idea what a 100 K day is like ?
tomthetrader: you all will one day !
tomthetrader: I know it
tomthetrader: How did you know ?
(3:19 PM) ctmhou: I............I......I knew it?
tomthetrader: YEAH
(3:19 PM) JR Roden: I believed ya. Now where do we finish?
tomthetrader: +400
(3:19 PM) ctmhou: Have you done 100k today, Tom?
tomthetrader: overall accounts .....realized
(3:20 PM) ctmhou: Holy Moly
tomthetrader: lots of options long
tomthetrader: tons of options long
tomthetrader: tons of TF and IWM
tomthetrader: tons of TNA
tomthetrader: way overleveraged long
tomthetrader: but still very bullish
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