(9:19 AM) Alert: Hi , Welcome to TTT
(9:20 AM) jbljudy: gm
(9:20 AM) bogdan07: y
(9:20 AM) csu30: good morning
(9:20 AM) johanrusnack: ok
(9:20 AM) redliontrader: y
(9:20 AM) csu30: y
(9:20 AM) aszags: y
tomthetrader: No ne have audio ?
(9:20 AM) jbljudy: Loud and Clear!
tomthetrader: yes on audio ......
(9:21 AM) bloomert: y
(9:22 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(9:25 AM) *** pointfisher has joined the room ***
(9:28 AM) *** pupster has joined the room ***
(9:30 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: ZF got filled at 2.04
(9:30 AM) *** JR Roden has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: for the record 1st trade
tomthetrader: WFC
tomthetrader: 12.50 By Mar 20th
(9:31 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(9:32 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(9:33 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(9:34 AM) *** berniectx has joined the room ***
(9:34 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(9:35 AM) Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted.
(9:35 AM) Alert: Hi , Welcome to TTT
(9:35 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(9:36 AM) pupster: y
(9:36 AM) steve_45_4: ok
(9:37 AM) billbTN: no prob
(9:37 AM) *** JR Roden has joined the room ***
(9:37 AM) billbTN: 5k ZF 2.08
tomthetrader: 1.65 UYG still a good buy to 2.50
(9:38 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: Oil 48.00 closing in on my $50.00 prediction
tomthetrader: from 34-48 and we could have stuck with DIG and made a mint
tomthetrader: But instead we will watch
tomthetrader: Zags : Are you getting back in the "swing" after your trip to CNBC ?
tomthetrader: 354.75 TF
tomthetrader: from 342.50 we will sell 6 more
tomthetrader: and that will leave us with 20 contracts of TF from 342.50
tomthetrader: $7200 more realized
(9:43 AM) aszags: yes but I got out of my qid yesterday am and am waiting for cycle change before I go aggressively long
tomthetrader: about $26,000 so far
(9:43 AM) *** pupster has joined the room ***
(9:43 AM) *** JR Roden has joined the room ***
(9:43 AM) *** csu30 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: News from C most + news in 6 months
(9:44 AM) *** berniectx has joined the room ***
(9:45 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +2265 Trin: .4
(9:45 AM) *** arujunaa has joined the room ***
(9:46 AM) billbTN: always willing to make a profit
tomthetrader: 1:5:1 levered long still in Traders ...100% Main and 100% IRA
(9:51 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +2351 Trin: .29 P/C: .64 BKX: +4.4%
(9:51 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(9:51 AM) *** rekon8 has joined the room ***
(9:54 AM) *** DE_TTT has joined the room ***
(9:54 AM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
(9:54 AM) *** bloomert has joined the room ***
(9:56 AM) JR Roden: Look at the Q's gap up and then just shoot straight up.
(9:56 AM) berniectx: the sound on your mic has been very erratic today for me Tom kind of scratchy
(9:56 AM) *** rjflamm has joined the room ***
(9:56 AM) JR Roden: WFC
tomthetrader: Paltalk not doing well
tomthetrader: today
(9:57 AM) JR Roden: ... is struggling to hold it's gap
tomthetrader: weak signals
tomthetrader: WFC is OK just a LOT of Profit taking
(9:57 AM) TraderTim: Tom maybe you can announce when you are going to talk with TEXT
tomthetrader: OK
(9:57 AM) TraderTim: thx
tomthetrader: really nothing to do today except take profits
tomthetrader: we will not enter any new trades
tomthetrader: we will just go higher and higher
tomthetrader: if the a/d line helps us out
tomthetrader: we will just keep selling our leveraged longs
(9:58 AM) *** infos2 has joined the room ***
(9:59 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +2403 Trin: .32 BKX: +7.8% SPX: 700
tomthetrader: tomthetrader: Yes
tomthetrader: I wish I had some money not invested !
tomthetrader: I am taking profits and will sell a couple of positions in the main and the IRA
(9:59 AM) Alert: Your last text messsage was not sent because it contained line feed characters or excess spaces.
tomthetrader: Audio now
(9:59 AM) TraderTim: P/C: .64
(10:00 AM) redliontrader: i am watching appl, begining to pullback
tomthetrader: 700 SPX
(10:02 AM) rjflamm: is aapl a good buy in here??
(10:04 AM) *** Fulkdaddy has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: yes
tomthetrader: 'very good buy
tomthetrader: AAPL RIMM
tomthetrader: anything in the Q's
tomthetrader: the whole world is short
tomthetrader: it is like 1999 in reverse
tomthetrader: we have all the positions in the portfolio ready to pick !
tomthetrader: We will sell DNA here to release cash for trading selling DNA here
tomthetrader: DNA WOW
(10:11 AM) *** steve_45_4 has joined the room ***
(10:12 AM) *** DE_TTT has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: CONGRATS
tomthetrader: to all who supported our moves ...you all deserve it
(10:14 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +2484 Trin: .32 BKX: +8.6% VIX: 45 -10%
(10:14 AM) steve_45_4: ty
tomthetrader: tremendous
(10:15 AM) TraderTim: 10's Yields +2.56%
(10:15 AM) TraderTim: Transportation: +5.4%
(10:16 AM) TraderTim: GLD: -2.5% GDX: -3.3%
tomthetrader: amazing "Change of character rally " 90% of all profits made in 10% of the days of the year
tomthetrader: we will lock in $100,000.00
tomthetrader: Bears are very very scared ..after putting the bulls through the worst time of their lives
(10:17 AM) TraderTim: 9 Econ Sectors: Fins/Industrials/Materials/Energy UP BIG!!!
(10:17 AM) TraderTim: 9 Econ Sectors: Staples/Utilities/Health: Lagging but still up
tomthetrader: amazing "change of character rally "
(10:21 AM) *** thomas_Poland has joined the room ***
(10:30 AM) billbTN: y
tomthetrader: 362 selling 10 more TF from 342
tomthetrader: $20,000 K realized
tomthetrader: we are 100% Long
tomthetrader: in traders with TNA and 10 contracts of TF from 342.50
tomthetrader: tomthetrader: 704 is a area that will get sold
tomthetrader: on SPX
tomthetrader: and we can buy 698
(10:36 AM) Alert: Your last text messsage was not sent because it contained line feed characters or excess spaces.
tomthetrader: tomthetrader: 704 is a area that will get sold
tomthetrader: on SPX
tomthetrader: and we can buy 698
(10:36 AM) Alert: Your last text messsage was not sent because it contained line feed characters or excess spaces.
tomthetrader: omthetrader: tomthetrader: 704 is a area that will get sold
tomthetrader: on SPX
tomthetrader: and we can buy 698
(10:36 AM) Alert: Your last text messsage was not sent because it contained line feed characters or excess spaces.
tomthetrader: ZYWAC
tomthetrader: still a BUY
tomthetrader: Long term
(10:38 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +2526 Trin: .44 P/C: .67 BXK: +9.6% VIX: 45 -8% SPX: 703
(10:39 AM) redliontrader: GE had a nice rally top, moving back, might be giving an op for re-entry
tomthetrader: yes
tomthetrader: did you get in AAPL ?
tomthetrader: anyone ?
(10:40 AM) billbTN: just got out
(10:40 AM) billbTN: just like tk-just in time
(10:40 AM) billbTN: y
(10:40 AM) billbTN: bot at 2.08
(10:41 AM) billbTN:
(10:41 AM) billbTN: ty
(10:42 AM) berniectx: Tom what is ZYWAC?
tomthetrader: 90% of the money is made in 10% of the days ...when you add up all our profits if we went to cash now ..we will be up 86%
tomthetrader: on all leveraged positions in TRADERS IRA MAIN
tomthetrader: FAS and TF Futures big
(10:43 AM) berniectx: thx
(10:45 AM) *** rjflamm has joined the room ***
(10:46 AM) *** JR Roden has joined the room ***
(10:49 AM) *** thomas_Poland has joined the room ***
(10:49 AM) thomas_Poland: Does TICK look like in a classic trend day?
(10:50 AM) TraderTim: THOMAS: clarify TICK thoughts?
(10:51 AM) thomas_Poland: yes
(10:51 AM) thomas_Poland: TICK spends most of the time above zero line
(10:51 AM) thomas_Poland: like in trend days
(10:51 AM) thomas_Poland: or below for down trend days
tomthetrader: Yes
(10:51 AM) TraderTim: gotcha
tomthetrader: Every dip gets bought Thomas and a ZWEIG BUY DAY
tomthetrader: we will get our 10-1 up down volume and a/d
tomthetrader: and end up 400-500 points higher
(10:52 AM) thomas_Poland: I was planning from yesterdays close to buy todays gap up (which I was expecting)
(10:52 AM) *** bulldog12 has joined the room ***
(10:52 AM) thomas_Poland: and had to be out so I started session an hour late
(10:53 AM) thomas_Poland: and could not trade the plan
(10:53 AM) thomas_Poland: I have to find somone guilty
(10:53 AM) DE_TTT: TP...what are your thoughts on the length/duration of this bounce?
(10:53 AM) thomas_Poland: tim knight?
(10:53 AM) thomas_Poland: tomorrow top for the week
tomthetrader: UNREAL stas
tomthetrader: stats
tomthetrader: 65 up Naz !
(10:55 AM) rjflamm: Do we need a confirmation on this uptrend to continue?
tomthetrader: VERY VERY BULLISH
(10:58 AM) rjflamm: Thanx...Tom...you r the best of the best....
tomthetrader: I get one or two days a month
tomthetrader: I do not think anyone out of the 200 or so I follow were LONG as we were
tomthetrader: you can tell everyone your TTT HEDGE FUND Called the bottom ...finally
tomthetrader: now get long and stay long til may
(11:00 AM) rjflamm: i've been bullish the last few weeks...but I hung on...I was starting to wonder though....I hope this isn't a fake out....
tomthetrader: Nope
tomthetrader: real deal ..I hope you get back any losses and make some big profits today into May
(11:01 AM) rjflamm: nobody to sell to.....everyone was too bearish
tomthetrader: 'Q's only up 3 x in 19 sessions ?
(11:02 AM) redliontrader: tom, wht do u think about gs on this pull back.. Buy @ 81.50ish
tomthetrader: yes
tomthetrader: 120 target
tomthetrader: 707.83
tomthetrader: needs to be taken out
tomthetrader: 360.00 tf
tomthetrader: sell a few more
tomthetrader: all calls on gs a buy
tomthetrader: .99 citigroup to 1.33
(11:21 AM) *** RV_trader has joined the room ***
(11:27 AM) *** TraderTim has joined the room ***
(11:31 AM) JR Roden: Q's dropped right to the 13 EMA on 5 min chart and are heading up again.
(11:33 AM) TraderTim: A/D: +2553 Trin: .42 P/C: .76 BKX: +8.7% SPX: 708
tomthetrader: Keep buying Dips guys
tomthetrader: Keep buying dips
tomthetrader: projecting 350 Dow close up today
tomthetrader: JR : You able to get most of this rally /
tomthetrader: anyone have a success story at all ?
(11:34 AM) rjflamm: bought yesterday
(11:35 AM) rjflamm:
tomthetrader: I will send out the new IRA and Main fund with minor changes as DNA was sold and a couple moved
tomthetrader: YES !
(11:39 AM) *** don_2007_ has joined the room ***
(11:39 AM) JR Roden: TTT - Yes, I have made some $$ off this move. No straight calls, but all based off of bull put or bull call spreads that are now profitable.
(11:40 AM) JR Roden: This run seems a bit tired, like it might have to pull back a bit before it continues forward.
(11:42 AM) don_2007_: is that right over there on finviz... +6,7,15% ?
tomthetrader: http://wwwfinviz.com
tomthetrader: user ; tomandprisha@msn.com
tomthetrader: Pass : tjm1685
(11:46 AM) don_2007_: got it.. thx
(11:59 AM) *** johanrusnack has joined the room ***
(11:59 AM) johanrusnack: have we peaked for the day now?
(11:59 AM) johanrusnack: short the rest of the day
(12:00 PM) johanrusnack: ok
tomthetrader: GO LONG
tomthetrader: ZF
tomthetrader: BUY GNW
tomthetrader: BUY BUY BUY
tomthetrader: GS up 10.00
(12:01 PM) johanrusnack: yes
(12:01 PM) johanrusnack: yes
(12:01 PM) johanrusnack: i see
(12:01 PM) johanrusnack: huge rally today
(12:06 PM) arujunaa: am i the only person in the world who is sick of hearing about the reinstatement of the uptick rule? what am i missing?
(12:08 PM) DE_TTT: CDS reform the biggie, I think.
(12:08 PM) arujunaa: does it trump the fundamentals?
(12:09 PM) arujunaa: what's more important: the uptick rule or m2m?
tomthetrader: M2M
tomthetrader: all 3 important but M2M very important
tomthetrader: slows BEAR RAIDS
(12:11 PM) arujunaa: thansk
(12:11 PM) arujunaa: thanks
tomthetrader: 365 RUT vs 342 yesterday
tomthetrader: 2300 per contract
tomthetrader: is a nice nice trade
(12:15 PM) *** jbljudy has joined the room ***
(12:16 PM) *** TraderTim has joined the room ***
(12:23 PM) *** billbTN has joined the room ***
(12:25 PM) *** TraderTim has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: Trying to fulfill all the predictions
tomthetrader: Oil to $50 march 31st
tomthetrader: WFC to 12.50 by mar 20th
tomthetrader: UYG FAS the BUY of a lifetime
tomthetrader: I am sure everyone will remember it !
tomthetrader: 10 contracts TF remain in traders and 5000 shares TNA
tomthetrader: so unleveraged and about 90% long overall with 720.00 being a place TRADERS will be in cash SPX
tomthetrader: tomthetrader: Now we have to wait for a 1-3% correction off of 720.00
tomthetrader: back to 700.00 -704
tomthetrader: I am happy !
(12:34 PM) Alert: Your last text messsage was not sent because it contained line feed characters or excess spaces.
tomthetrader: tomthetrader: tomthetrader: Now we have to wait for a 1-3% correction off of 720.00
tomthetrader: back to 700.00 -704
(12:34 PM) Alert: Your last text messsage was not sent because it contained line feed characters or excess spaces.
tomthetrader: Talked with Mary Schapiro
tomthetrader: they will go back into affect
tomthetrader: Schapiro says YES
(12:42 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +2606 Trin: .43 P/C: .77 VIX: 44 =11% BKX: 22 +12.7%
tomthetrader: Unreal
tomthetrader: congratulations TTT
tomthetrader: 720 resistance 700 support
tomthetrader: we have our box into Friday
(12:47 PM) TraderTim: Excellent. Box trading again!!
tomthetrader: UYG just back to where we said it was the buy of our lifetime !
tomthetrader: we have fills back from 1.60 70 80 90 2.00 2.10 2.54 Highs we ever bought
(12:49 PM) billbTN: lol-yesterday when i bought futures (now sold-5K day) I also bought a few june futures that are now up so much i feel like i have to sell them too
tomthetrader: GREAT BILL
tomthetrader: Congratulations
tomthetrader: buying the Junes are the best now
tomthetrader: we have to sell our TF here by friday
tomthetrader: what a run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(12:54 PM) *** aszags has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: again we can look to buy ES for a run to 720
tomthetrader: will see if they sell it down to 708 to buy buybuy
(1:02 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +2580 Trin: .46 P/C: .76 BKX: +11.8%
tomthetrader: Amazing day
tomthetrader: buy 708 ES if we get there
tomthetrader: does anyone want a new position in anything /
tomthetrader: going into the PM
(1:09 PM) tcb66: Amazing the bonds aren't selling off more given the big rally in stocks....any trades in here Aruj?
tomthetrader: TLT TBT taking a back seat ...I told you all a massive mammoth rally this week !
tomthetrader: stocks were ready to go ...and go they have now will they stay
tomthetrader: 700.00 BUY 720.00 sell until OPEX
(1:13 PM) *** bloomert has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: buying 2 YM from 6830
tomthetrader: BUY 2 YM
tomthetrader: rebuild longs here in traders
tomthetrader: again 6830 YM long 2 contracts will add 2 more here at 6827.00 cash
tomthetrader: 4 units long here YM avg cash price 6828.50
tomthetrader: stop at break even 4 units long
tomthetrader: 6872 sold 4 long YM
tomthetrader: 44 x 4 contracts =176 x $5 = $880
tomthetrader: Nice trade
tomthetrader: anyone else ?
(1:46 PM) berniectx: I took a couple ES similar trade
(1:47 PM) aszags: I have been away from this am but congratulations Tom on tremendous call yesterday long for this explosion
(1:50 PM) billbTN: tom what do you think about bgu here?
(1:50 PM) *** puma157 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: Thank you guys
tomthetrader: I would wait on BGU til a 1-3 % correction unless you are playing just todays Trend day end on highs
(1:55 PM) *** ajayvee has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: I would buy DDM here
tomthetrader: safely for a longer timeframe but BGU will move alot !
tomthetrader: again sell at 720.00 buy at 700
(1:56 PM) rjflamm: Tom....If we end up closing on the hod....do you expect more follow through into tomorrow?
tomthetrader: yes
(1:56 PM) *** dhmohan1963 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: the markets will rally overseas and we should have a up day but the banks will falter sometime tomorrow
tomthetrader: as they are up 50% some
tomthetrader: FAS up to 50% from lows
(1:57 PM) berniectx: BO market timer chief was listening to you last week Tom...buy stocks
(1:58 PM) Fulkdaddy: USO not holding up...makes me say hmmm???
(1:59 PM) rjflamm: aapl up over 5.00
(1:59 PM) aszags: I just did a counter trade. I bought 6000 qid at 62.4 and sold at 63.02
tomthetrader: Gold we were right .....to 700 500 400 /
(2:00 PM) Fulkdaddy: yes, long DZZ
tomthetrader: Hi Dave !
(2:00 PM) redliontrader: what do we think about USO pullback? Good trade?
tomthetrader: Gold is getting slaughtered
(2:00 PM) Fulkdaddy: Hi, is a meeting but following along
(2:00 PM) TraderTim: FULK: are you back from Toledo?
(2:00 PM) TraderTim: ok
(2:00 PM) Fulkdaddy: in a meeting
(2:00 PM) Fulkdaddy: no
tomthetrader: Toledo Mud hens /
(2:01 PM) Fulkdaddy: RIA meeting
(2:01 PM) TraderTim: what is general view of RIA's CASH? INVESTED LONG?
(2:01 PM) Fulkdaddy: heavy cash: 70-100%
tomthetrader: 40% gains "normal" in Roubini's insolvent banks ?
(2:01 PM) *** rjflamm has joined the room ***
(2:02 PM) TraderTim: thx
(2:02 PM) Fulkdaddy: Serbin is 15% short...up about 4% this year
(2:02 PM) TraderTim: so SERBY is shorting. What system is he using?
(2:02 PM) Fulkdaddy: Many in active managed funds: TFSMX, Permanent fund, etc
(2:02 PM) Fulkdaddy: He has a new signal
(2:02 PM) Fulkdaddy: He said he would share it
(2:03 PM) Fulkdaddy: Why is USO falling so hard...with the market up?
(2:04 PM) TraderTim: But OIH (oil services) +6.8%
tomthetrader: USO profit taking
(2:05 PM) TraderTim: based on what I am seeing with OIL (futures/etfs like USL) USO is suffering more than other instruments
tomthetrader: front month
tomthetrader: as usual
(2:05 PM) TraderTim: the same old USO effect (front month punishment vs. USL back month loaded)
tomthetrader: that is why we sent out the STAY away from USO bulletin
tomthetrader: My man on CNBC
(2:06 PM) Fulkdaddy: who?
tomthetrader: Tim Hayes
(2:07 PM) TraderTim: FULK: Dollar rallying in last hour
(2:07 PM) Fulkdaddy: I am long UDN
tomthetrader: My main man ..worked with Marty for years
(2:07 PM) TraderTim: Ned Davis Research
tomthetrader: Yes
tomthetrader: worked for marty for 10 years
tomthetrader: He is a smart man
tomthetrader: massive stim
tomthetrader: - earnings est
tomthetrader: cash
tomthetrader: + global
tomthetrader: 92% decline priced in
tomthetrader: Amazing
tomthetrader: 47% of total market value in cash
tomthetrader: never seen before
(2:11 PM) pupster: Tom, what do you expect in the AM ... follow thru or pullback before higher
tomthetrader: should have follow thru but banks will finally take some profits
tomthetrader: but market shouls stay up around 720.00
tomthetrader: and we should buy 1-3% corrections
tomthetrader: 50% move on FAS from lows
tomthetrader: unreal
tomthetrader: distinctly positve growth by 4th quarter 2009 very bullish
tomthetrader: that is just a few months away
tomthetrader: 6815 5 YM long
tomthetrader: again long here at 6815 YM 5 contracts
tomthetrader: will add 5 more at / if that is hit agin to 10 contracts
(2:18 PM) *** rekon8 has joined the room ***
(2:20 PM) *** RV_trader has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: stops in break even or let's put them up at 6820 to protect
(2:22 PM) *** puma157 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: Oil has rallied non stop for a couple weeks from 33 -48
tomthetrader: so profit taking well in order
tomthetrader: we will add another set of longs on YM at this cash price 6822
tomthetrader: so we will have 10 long now with stops at 6820
tomthetrader: YM 10 long with stops at 6820 cash
tomthetrader: if stopped we will reenter in ES Long 10 from that approx stop
tomthetrader: but we will worry about that later
tomthetrader: 6830 stops on 10 YM contracts long
tomthetrader: we will move them up with every 10 point move up ..now 6840 stop
tomthetrader: stooped out
tomthetrader: 6840
tomthetrader: nice trade guys
(2:29 PM) billbTN: are these buys daytrades or overnight or 2+days?
(2:29 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +2606 Trin: .5 P/C: .75 BKX: +12.6%
tomthetrader: we will continue to buy YM like 1999
tomthetrader: all day trades now Bill
tomthetrader: Cut in energy demand around the world the reason for the sell off in oil
tomthetrader: 6837.00 long YM via cash 10 contracts
tomthetrader: 6825.00 stops
tomthetrader: 6850
tomthetrader: stops
tomthetrader: 6860 stops
tomthetrader: stopped out
(2:35 PM) berniectx: you are really HOT TTT Tom wish I would do more with you...
tomthetrader: $1150 profited
tomthetrader: and will add more soon
tomthetrader: we are being greedy
tomthetrader: but we are right
tomthetrader: Thanks bernie
(2:37 PM) berniectx: could not do it with out you Tom and all good day today
tomthetrader: Thank you Bernie !
tomthetrader: Love to see my members happy
tomthetrader: it has been a tough year
tomthetrader: YM H9 [10] MINI DOW JONES INDUS.-$5 Mar ’09 14:30:00 EDT 6,835.00 307.00 6,523.00 6,876.00 6,506.00
(2:45 PM) berniectx: I took quite a beating in my "managed" accounts last year, only did good with you and have pulled funds out of those accounts
tomthetrader: good
tomthetrader: stick with me Bern ...we will beat them up !
tomthetrader: I say get it while you can
(2:46 PM) berniectx: only way to go is here TTT and tremendous Tom and group
tomthetrader: you can make more in one day with us than 1 year with a managed account 1
tomthetrader: TTT Has a good day !
tomthetrader: we have had a few big ones
tomthetrader: as in bears they do tend to be violent up days and drab down long days
tomthetrader: 707.75 long ES 5 contracts
tomthetrader: 6810 long YM 5
tomthetrader: 5 ES and 5 YM
(2:52 PM) *** rjflamm has joined the room ***
(2:52 PM) Alert: ====SECURITY BULLETIN!=======
Using utilites from third parties such as button holders, remote typers, etc ... are at risk of having their passwords stolen!
Many of these utilities contain trojans that report your nickname and password to the program's creator. We encourage everyone to change their password reguarly, and to uncheck the save password checkbox on the login screen.
If you do this, you will have to enter your password every time you log in, but it is a small price to pay to keep your account and password protected.
tomthetrader: keep plugging away stops at 6825
tomthetrader: 708./00
tomthetrader: 6840
tomthetrader: stops
tomthetrader: 710 es
tomthetrader: 6850
tomthetrader: 712
tomthetrader: stopped YM
tomthetrader: $2000 profited
tomthetrader: ES still open stop 712
tomthetrader: 713.00 stop 5 ES
tomthetrader: stopped out
tomthetrader: 25x $50 = $1250
tomthetrader: profits rung up
tomthetrader: 1999 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tomthetrader: where is thomas
tomthetrader: ????
(3:02 PM) thomas_Poland: here
tomthetrader: He called this mega rally
tomthetrader: He is King of poland !
(3:02 PM) thomas_Poland: and did not make money today
(3:03 PM) thomas_Poland: missed the morning rally
tomthetrader: Thomas you steeered us the right way to the point 1
(3:03 PM) thomas_Poland: some idiot gave me a phone call and had to go out
(3:03 PM) thomas_Poland: always when I get out I miss my move
tomthetrader: I am sorry
tomthetrader: POOP
(3:03 PM) thomas_Poland: I am not
tomthetrader: POOP
(3:03 PM) thomas_Poland: tomorrow is top for the week
tomthetrader: 720 ?
tomthetrader: short /
tomthetrader: day trade /
tomthetrader: up 40 ES is quite a Call Thomas
tomthetrader: Up in RUT we finally picked a BOTTOM
(3:04 PM) thomas_Poland: yes it is
(3:05 PM) thomas_Poland: glad someone made money
tomthetrader: Let's give Thomas the CLAP ...welcome back Thomas to the new Bull ?
tomthetrader: We can't do it w/o you
(3:05 PM) billbTN: yaaaaaaaaaayyyyy thomas!
tomthetrader: I will even play Phil collins for you /
(3:05 PM) berniectx: Am glad Thomas is BACK!
tomthetrader: I am a 10X better trader w/ Thomas here
(3:05 PM) thomas_Poland: thanks bernie
(3:06 PM) thomas_Poland: and Tom
tomthetrader: Not so awnry ...especially when he dresses up !
(3:06 PM) thomas_Poland:
tomthetrader: HOD
tomthetrader: HOD
tomthetrader: 720
tomthetrader: target
tomthetrader: can anyone do this ?
tomthetrader: name 1 person who can tell you waht the market will do in advance
(3:07 PM) arujunaa: tcb, sorry i missed your earlier question: i didn't trade today. am thinking of getting long o/n or tomorrow. but we have auctions tomorrow & thursday so need to be careful
tomthetrader: you still have 25% TNA Aruj ?
tomthetrader: IRA?
(3:07 PM) arujunaa: yes
tomthetrader: you are up 20% ?
tomthetrader: nice call /
(3:08 PM) pupster: great song.........
tomthetrader: Go Pupster ...you nalied FAS for a HUGE call
(3:09 PM) arujunaa: thanks
(3:09 PM) pupster: look at that FAZ drop
tomthetrader: I was reading the transcripts and he went head to head on FAS vs shorting FAZ SKF oputs
tomthetrader: caused the big run
tomthetrader: PERFECT
tomthetrader: PUPSTER ...the Trader of the WEEK ?
tomthetrader: YES
tomthetrader: YES
(3:10 PM) pupster: thanks Tom....but you are the MAN of the Century....nobody else
tomthetrader: Financials
tomthetrader: there are insolvent but we are not
tomthetrader: Message to Mr. Roubini : We are still in business and doing fine ....F U
tomthetrader: Banks ...99.9% solvent
tomthetrader: Hedge funds : better than ever
tomthetrader: so go doomsday your books
(3:11 PM) arujunaa: ttt hedge fund maybe...........
(3:11 PM) tcb66: thx aruj...just thought we'd see a bigger unwind of the fear trade in bonds given today's action....seems to indicate bond holders are not eager to jump into stocks just yet
tomthetrader: and take meredith Whitney wioth you 1
(3:12 PM) arujunaa: fear trade was unwound in january. now bonds are cheap based on fundamentals but rich relative to supply. supply is winning
tomthetrader: DE : Also in the running for Trader of the week ???
tomthetrader: DE ...give us some Chips ON FIRE ????????????????
(3:13 PM) redliontrader: someone buy some jpm or gs and pop them through the top
(3:13 PM) TraderTim: A/D: +2609 Trin: .49 P/C: .74 BXK: +13.7% VIX: 44 -11% Trannies: +6.2% (this is very positive)
tomthetrader: Wildly Bullish
tomthetrader: 720 ES
tomthetrader: today ?
tomthetrader: WILDLY BULLISH
tomthetrader: I love this market ...( til tomorrow !)
tomthetrader: 80 points up on Naz
tomthetrader: my Gosh this is a ROCKET LAUNCH
tomthetrader: look at Up down volume
tomthetrader: where is RED ?
(3:15 PM) DE_TTT: Here comes M Whitney...ready to reverse capitulate!
tomthetrader: DE : Would you please give me some bad news for bears ?
tomthetrader: Roubinin did the back pedal yesterday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tomthetrader: Roubini backstep ...new dance /
tomthetrader: I thought I think I don't think
tomthetrader: Up down vol most bullish since 1987 crash
tomthetrader: Largest weekly gain for banks ever for 2-3 weeks !!! and it is Tuesday
tomthetrader: Is this called a bottoming process
tomthetrader: I could do this all year /
tomthetrader: WE called GE bottom
tomthetrader: We called WFC bottom
tomthetrader: We called a bottom in oil
tomthetrader: we called a bottom in FAS
tomthetrader: We called RUT bottom to the penny
tomthetrader: we called ES withing 2 points of bottom
tomthetrader: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
tomthetrader: pretty amazing stuff
tomthetrader: 6848 long 5
tomthetrader: YM
tomthetrader: stop 6840
(3:20 PM) TraderTim: You sure like BOTTOMS
tomthetrader: I even like meredith's bottom ?
tomthetrader: Top better
tomthetrader: Shut up Tom
(3:20 PM) TraderTim:
tomthetrader: 6900 today /
(3:21 PM) berniectx: have to run be careful everyone, thanks Tom
tomthetrader: let's see here take the market down today /
tomthetrader: bern ...have a great day
tomthetrader: here we go
tomthetrader: 425 dow ???
tomthetrader: another 100 points up /
(3:22 PM) redliontrader: look at GS, way to go Whitney!
tomthetrader: YES
tomthetrader: YES
tomthetrader: C only up 40 % darn she hates C ?
tomthetrader: 6860 stops
(3:23 PM) steve_45_4: how much is it down since she panned it
tomthetrader: 10%
tomthetrader: stopped out
tomthetrader: 6860
(3:24 PM) redliontrader: no up
(3:24 PM) steve_45_4: great trading today
tomthetrader: yes unbeaten
(3:25 PM) redliontrader: she endrosed GS, good trade, GS should increase market share
tomthetrader: wow ...that is a turnaround
tomthetrader: long way from all banks insolvent ...GS is a bank /
tomthetrader: WYNN having a day LVS ??????????????????????
tomthetrader: 34 minutes for 7000 close /
tomthetrader: 6860 long 10 contracts
tomthetrader: No stops today Core longs into OPEX march
tomthetrader: stops now at 6880 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tomthetrader: 4.5 points away from target
tomthetrader: Most realized cash profits since Nov 24th
tomthetrader: TTT
tomthetrader: stopped out of 10 contracts at 6880 from 6860
tomthetrader: $1000 realized
tomthetrader: another rally left
tomthetrader: we will keep pushing here we will go ES
(3:40 PM) DE_TTT: Bears all complaining about volume...they will wait for volume and then cover, I suspect.
tomthetrader: Yes Volume always volume !
(3:44 PM) ajayvee: is there still another rally left?
tomthetrader: again we will sell the rest of our TNA for average at 12.25 TNA sold
tomthetrader: 100% cash here in Traders
tomthetrader: and we will sell off some 2-3X ETF's in the main Fund and IRA for safety
tomthetrader: still will be going long tomorrow into any 1-3% drop
tomthetrader: still TNA sell around limit 12.25
tomthetrader: TF still accepting profits willingly
tomthetrader: Propulsion from these big rallies usually makes the market rally another 5-10% in the short term
tomthetrader: amazing
tomthetrader: 718
tomthetrader: we did it
tomthetrader: congrats
tomthetrader: good night all
tomthetrader: see you tomorrow
(4:01 PM) *** les13436 has joined the room ***
tomthetrader: sorry if you did not participate but we have months to go to get on the same page
tomthetrader: we will all be OK
tomthetrader: Geithner recovery by end of the year
tomthetrader: all officials said so
tomthetrader: we are in a new bull ?
(4:03 PM) les13436: congrats Tom on a great day, nice call!!
tomthetrader: Thank you les
tomthetrader: I appreciate your support
tomthetrader: Please let me know if there is anything I can do 24/7
tomthetrader: Gains after the bell
tomthetrader: too
tomthetrader: TNA 12.65
tomthetrader: 12 68
tomthetrader: 720 SPX
tomthetrader: Target hit
(4:05 PM) don_2007_: great job
tomthetrader: Thanks Don
tomthetrader: I called end on HOD 720 SPX
tomthetrader: and we got it on last trade of the day !
(4:06 PM) TraderTim: You called exactly this
(4:06 PM) TraderTim: well done
(4:06 PM) TraderTim: a/D: +2705 Trin: .46 P/C: .72 BXK: +15.5%
(4:07 PM) aszags: Congratulations Tom, Great call
tomthetrader: Thank you Zags
tomthetrader: Plenty left now for a big Spring
tomthetrader: I am cash in Traders and 80% Long IRA 80% Long Main fund
(4:13 PM) DE_TTT: JCG J. Crew beats by $0.07, beats on revs; guides Q1 EPS in-line (9.72 +0.36)
tomthetrader: great
tomthetrader: thank you !
tomthetrader: what a day
tomthetrader: all areas on HOD except OIL
tomthetrader: mOST SATISFYING
PayPal today $125 for all of 2009 !!!
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