Monday, December 17, 2007


Ouch ..the last 2 sessions have hurt TTT worse than any days in the TTT Hedge Fund History !!!

Enough blasting Tim Knight and his "Slope Of Hope' because now I know what it feels like to be totally confident in a marlet move and have it blowup in your face. I am going to make this short ...I will list my holdings

I now have 8 E-MINI Contracts 5 ES and 3 YM LONG

Literally 100's of options on XLF QQQQ IWM FWLT

IRA is Now 50% Long NY and 50% Long FWLT

and here are my other holdings ...if we can't go up from here ..there are going to be some major losses incurred and some bruised EGO's market timing has been near perfect !!!! And My last buy signal was right on but reversed right in my face to make a sweet DOUBLE Bottom to knock out some weak hands !!!

Let's now go get the 14k mark and see if the Bears like the same dose of face slapping !!!

AZZ 27.01 -1.12 (-3.98%)
CHK 37.61 -0.60 (-1.57%)
COP 81.91 -1.38 (-1.66%)
FWLT 150.95 -8.85 (-5.54%)
GE 36.48 -0.43 (-1.16%)
GS 208.63 -2.04 (-0.97%)
QLD 98.66 -4.74 (-4.58%)
QQQQ 49.73 -1.24 (-2.43%)
UWM 57.51 -2.25 (-3.77%)
UYG 40.70 -0.98 (-2.35%)
XLF 29.04 -0.31 (-1.06%)
IWM 73.85 -1.15 (-1.53%)
NY 75.39 -1.05 (-1.37%

You Only have 2 weeks to get the 50% off TTT special everything !!! portfolios our annual top 50 stocks for 2008 and top 20 stocks to short

just these two items are valued at 4249.00

So come on not let FEAR rule here :

The rally starts tomorrow and they will call it a dead cat ..just wait and see as no one will believe it !!!

So we will test new highs By January Options Expiry.

PayPal $125 to

You get over $2500 in free services and the experience of a 31 year pro and all the resources and inside contacts that keep you on the Smart Money class

Join us today !!!

You will have our portfolio and all special editions tonoght ..because I am here for you 24/7


TTT Hedge Fund 2008

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