Monday, August 31, 2009


Best Deal on the nets $10K in profits today!
Hello Members,

I don’t usually do the marketing stuff.. Techical analysis and research are my two loves.. oh yeah and making money trading for a living. We have been hunting the short for a while and Tom’s call to go 100% short in Traders at the close last Friday netted us $10k today by 10am!

These are our closed trades today. When the rest of the world says bull (and we are cautious bulls on the longer time-frame side) the weakness at the current top was becoming apparent and Tom made the call.

Tom and I usually agree on most things, one thing we disagree about is the price of this service. I have been a member of many services that cost per month what Tom is charging per year.. and they were awful! I have been around to know a good deal, and a deal that is getting even better.

Some functions we are adding this year is plans to automate twitter tweets for real time trade and alerts. When a stop is fired you should be able to get an update.. anywhere in the world, telling you when&what we are buying and when we are selling. We have been working with Google on some alpha programs to give us the ability to run live scripts in our portfolios and with Howard Lindzin at stocktwits to take our service to the cutting edge. When our proprietary indicators fire you can opt in to get notified so that you can manage your own trades. Grhhhhh.. and Tom wants to give it away! Oh well, he is the boss.

Speaking of which… He has a little blurb below:

Hello TTT Members !

Just a quick update on our progress at TTT !

As you know each year from Labor Day until September 15th we attempt to FILL UP our Traders Chat with our loyal members and hold seats as we have limited space. I have always tried to be the lowest cost service as I know what it is like out there and I do everything in my power to get you making profits and have your services be a small part of your investing cost !

You will notice more and more changes as our website has improved and communications gets better daily ! Red Lion Trader and I have joined forces to give you my unique proven money making trading methods and "feel" of 35 years while Red has the research / charting and technical prowess to get you all my trades and in a easy to understand way.

Some major additions you will see starting September 15th is Options Monster and Guy Adami we will give you instant access to the site and their successful ( but very expensive) service. It is a one of a kind with so much data and info and direct options and stock calls. Guy has been red hot recently and the Najarians OWN this options market !

Also we will have e-mailed to you each day Investors Intelligence the model of sentiment along with Jason Goepferts Sentiment Trader we will have all the data we need. Included will be the Coe Report whom is also a Red Hot Trader that we will track and of course the daily reports that our money managers and my employer let us enjoy from Gartman to GS MS and Citi.

So I really believe there is no better value in the space of trading/ investing and I am inviting my loyal friends and members to a special value. This Time Frame is used again to get you the first shot at TEAM TTT 2010 !

All you have to do from now until September 15th is this :

If you care to hold your TRADERS CHAT ROOM SEAT

PayPal : $499 ( Same Price as 2009 !) This will raise to $749 after September 15th So please sign up now !

Remember : PayPal Directly to : $499 and just say TTT 2010 and you won't have to worry over losing this Great Service Opportunity...This offer only good to current members ! Until September 15th 2009 !

E-Mail Members : Things have improved so much for you ! You have instant access to portfolios and all the e-mail services that now cost over $10,000 per year if bought seperately. Plus you can follow on Twitter just follow : tomandprisha easy and with Red lion's hard work have all the charting and access it has never been easier to track my trades and all the daily weekly and longer term trends.

To Beat the price increase to $299 we are giving you the chance too for big savings by this offer.

PayPal directly $125 ( Same as last year !) to :

Very easy ...just put TTT 2010 in the caption and you are set at the lowest price possible ...good only until September 15th 2009 !

Our profits are getting stronger and with the markets starting to show a certain way of confounding all we have done well and plan on doing even better with the new services and the old buy and sell signals !

Again Reserve your 2010 Traders spot now !

PayPal Directly from the site to : tomandprisha $499 Traders 2010 saving $250 !!!

E-Mail Members save 60% you can secure the last low rates !

PayPal Directly $125 to :

Quick and easy and you can be in TRADERS or Keep your e-mail member status.

Also even if you do not REUPP early will be notified as your subscription ends December 15th and you will be charged the full rate so we do this 1x per year and hope to keep you with NO PRICE INCREASES !

Again RedLion and myself are humbled by the amazing folks that have joined us in the toughest investing environment since the GREAT DEPRESSION ! If you are still investing you have the patience , desire and passion to make your retirement a wonderful time !

So please take the time over the coming weeks to secure these GREAT deals and as always feel free to contact me 24/7 via phone , e-mail or our chat site !

Thank you so much for letting TTT be part of your investing day !

Thank you so very much for your loyalty and support of my work ! Send Money to : tomandprisha $499 Traders $125 E-mail only

Investing Made Easy !!!

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