Thursday, December 25, 2008


As members and colleagues of my work will testify...the TTT @ BUY SIGNAL was created along with the work of Dr. Martin Zweig some 30 years ago and has been refined to handle the "fast market" conditions of a high VIX and other "program " type trading. The unusually high success rate lets you the member join my TEAM to make great profits in any type of market.

The BUY signal is currently in EFFECT and typically gets 200-700 Dow Points and at minumum 24 ES futures points. Imagine you only paying a simple one time membership fee of $125 and getting THE MOST ACCURATE TIMING TOOL IN THE WORLD.

Our Traders group is a specialized daily chat area where we meet and push our signals even further attemting to double our money every quarter and do it with some consistency.

I want to extend a invitation to you to make the best investment decision of your life and JOIN TTT HEDGE FUND 2009 Today.

All of our members were shocked to see the type of services / data and info on a daily basis. You are literally put in the Traders seat all day long as we recommend positions in stocks options futures and all commodities.

There is nothing like it in the investing world.

So why not give my service a try ?

I am anxious to push my educational and my timing skills I am running a promotion til Jan 5th ...and this will make it so you have no reason not to spend a few days with my service because I think it is very is to help you help yourself to the easiest ..most profitable system / strategy out there and it is the lowest cost as I work only for those passionate enough to learn and aggressive enough to take a shot at becoming wealthy !

So here is the deal !

FREE ...While I aqm on this new BUY signal ...just e-mail me and say TRIAL you will get 200-300 or 1000 Dow points or just don't sign up after your free trial !

There has ne3ver been anything easier...I am giving you a shot to Join for the rest of 2008 for $0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I am on a BUY SIGNAL so you can join immediately and trade and make hundreds if not thousands of dollars and not pay a thing !

So spend 30 seconds and send a E-Mail to : and just type in TRIAL

You will soon get at least a week of the most professional 24/7 service you have ever received and the quality of information you deserve. I am 100% behind you and your quest for financial freedome...the US markets are there for you to take advantage of TODAY

AGAIN FREE FOR 2008 E-mail me now and the information on my Buy signal and all the services data will be at your fingertips !

Thank you for your consideration !



A Very Happy Holiday Season to You !

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