Saturday, June 28, 2008


Our famous TTT HEDGE FUND was literally struck by lightning on Wednesday at 5:00pm so we were off the cyberspace waves for 2 days ...a painful experience...but we are back after the carnage and looking at our BLOG QID was a good investment when we said BUY !!!!

We are announcing a new Christmas in July program where you can get TTT at at once in a lifetime price plus get 100% free access to CHAT in December...yes you can get real time trade all through the month of December plus all the other services trades commentary and services that has made TTT #1.

PayPal $75 and note CHRISTMAS IN JULY and you will get all of 2008 and the bonus Paltalk TRADERS Chat that has been up over 100% for 9 quarters in a row !!!!

We are so sure you will love our service I am giving you and all members December FREE on Chat all members will be able to enjoy our moves that have turned 21k into over 2.2 million in 2 years !!!!

Don't listen to those who say it can't be done ...TTT does it daily

PayPal $75 to and you will get all the rest of 2008 plus 30 days of Chat absolutely FREE



Markets may even go up this week on the news !!!!

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