Sunday, February 10, 2008


Join us today so you know when to enter and what options to buy....

PayPal $125 before the 50% off our bear Market Special Ends FEB 15th so save yourself $125 and JOIN NOW !!!!

PayPal : $125 for all of 2008 Last Chance Offer !!!! And there won't be anymore FREEBIES for several months again !!!!

GOOGLE +2.32% 516.69
B P PRUDHOE BAY U +0.66% 80.75
GOLDMAN SACHS GRP -1.78% 187.07
ALTRIA GROUP INC -1.36% 73.09
MERCK CO INC -2.56% 44.53
REINSURANCE GP AM -2.03% 55.10
NUCOR CP +5.39% 60.00
FOSTER WHEELER +1.90% 65.28
BUNGE LTD -2.99% 109.29
WACHOVIA CP -1.65% 34.60
ULTRA QQQ PROSHAR +1.29% 70.50

IRA We are still 100% long BPT with its' enormous yield and tremendous upside potential it is hard to turn down this stock

Model Portfolio

GOOG Not a typical TTT stock but at $498.00 and now breaking thru 513.00 it is a STRONG BUY

CHK Just a unbelievable performer in here will be at 42.00 soon

GS x2 Goldman is making money hand over fist and sells at a 40% premium to it's peers but deserves it ....7X next years earnings ...I like it from 190-250

UNH United has problems but they are being fixed and if we dip into a deeper recession we have some protection may be the earliest to depart if we see signs of eco strength

MO is going to split up int'l and US markets and I can see 0 downside risk to the stock.

MRK took a huge hit recently and I think it is totally up for grabs how the big pharma names will buy each other out ..MRK may be for sale ???

RGA Insurance provider growing by leaps and bounds..nice play if the sub prime ends early

NUE Our stock of the year acted like it Friday and now at the 60 handle !!!

FWLT is one of our faves as we are now back in it after the split and sizeable correction

BG Got a bit of a shortfall and profit taking just in time for us to BUY BG LONG TERM

WB is the best of the super regionals and the addition of AG Edwards will payoff soon

COST Costco is our retailer that is the best run and poised for a breakout here if all goes to plan !!!

Ultras are acting well and are a great bang for the buck

Options we only want LEAPS Jan 09 is Target area for best price appreciation on all our model stocks

Earnings plays ..we send out a list weekly BOLD are ones of interest so you speculators can get the odds in your favor : Earnings Movers For The Upcoming Week. (BIDU, FSLR, CMG, PCLN)

Those who can handle the volatility will love FSLR my favorite this week bit will be nibbling on all 4 !!!

Futures ...Long 4 contracts + WITH NQ and YM bought about 12125-12150

We will add more if more testing goes on and may get a shot at our 3rd wave of buying LONG on any bad news or drop in the indices

Please have a great week !!!

Investing Made Easy !!!

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