Suraj says (2:15 PM):
Frank says (2:15 PM):
cut .5
Tom says (2:16 PM):
Thomas says (2:16 PM):
both rates 05?
Thomas says (2:16 PM):
Tom says (2:16 PM):
Tom says (2:16 PM):
ES not moving
Thomas says (2:16 PM):
Ohh f...
Tom says (2:16 PM):
Thomas says (2:17 PM):
1370 resistance
Tom says (2:17 PM):
Nas going
Tom says (2:17 PM):
time to short pretty soon
Tom says (2:17 PM):
1370 cash we will get short
Thomas says (2:17 PM):
3 waves Tom
Thomas says (2:17 PM):
up down up
brad says (2:18 PM):
sell mortimer
Tom says (2:18 PM):
this was too expected ..the discount rate now gets REFI's going
Thomas says (2:18 PM):
Tom with TSM maybe better to wait untill goes through 50sma. Now 9,39 ?
Tom says (2:18 PM):
Right ..I miswrote
Tom says (2:19 PM):
got 2 es short at 1370
Jerry says (2:19 PM):
Tom, do you suggest buy any puts?
brad has left the conversation.
Tom says (2:20 PM):
Not yet
Tom says (2:21 PM):
Just gold
Tom says (2:21 PM):
Thomas says (2:21 PM):
12570 resistance Dow cash
Jerry says (2:21 PM):
I mean for us do not want play future . Any sub for ES short?
Tom says (2:21 PM):
SPY March 139
Tom says (2:21 PM):
Tom says (2:22 PM):
Dollar got hit hard
brad has been added to the conversation.
Tom says (2:22 PM):
Dollar caved
Tom says (2:22 PM):
Gold rocket ship
Frank says (2:22 PM):
this country is in deep dodo
Suraj says (2:23 PM):
AMZN fizzle over
Tom says (2:23 PM):
inflation and dollar collapse ...going to be a interesting close
Frank says (2:23 PM):
Tom says (2:23 PM):
GS took off
Tom says (2:23 PM):
gpyct up nice
Thomas says (2:23 PM):
everybody think the way I am. Higher inlation with more money
Thomas says (2:24 PM):
And they buy gold.
Tom says (2:24 PM):
MSFT thinking if it can ever go up ???
Tom says (2:24 PM):
OK .....we will keep up to date ..conference call now for awhile ...we will see if the buying holds
Tom says (2:25 PM):
we are pretty well hedged for sideways to down from here
Tom says (2:25 PM):
all timestamped
Tom says (2:25 PM):
and ready for consumption
Tom says (2:25 PM):
shorts getting clocked
Tom says (2:25 PM):
which makes me feel fairly good
Tom says (2:26 PM):
1444 stop on ES
Tom says (2:26 PM):
beat Carl at his own game !!!!
Tom says (2:26 PM):
I will be out for a hour
Tom says (2:26 PM):
good luck
Tom says (2:26 PM):
ABX 52.81 -0.42 (-0.79%)
BPT 78.71 +0.21 (0.27%)
CHK 36.85 -0.03 (-0.08%)
CROX 32.44 +1.83 (5.98%)
EP 16.44 +0.02 (0.12%)
GS 198.28 +2.23 (1.14%)
MSFT 32.19 -0.41 (-1.26%)
SM 35.37 +0.68 (1.96%)
UNG 39.13 +0.33 (0.85%
Tom says (2:27 PM):
addded GS calls
Tom says (2:27 PM):
and ES futures short
Tom says (2:27 PM):
Msft calls
Tom says (2:27 PM):
TTT OUIT for a bit
Tom says (2:28 PM):
Selling is not stopping us here
Tom says (2:28 PM):
Don't fight the FED ????
Tom says (2:28 PM):
Tape is now a + 3 straight days of 3-1
brad says (2:33 PM):
caught some shorties upside down
Frank says (2:33 PM):
easy money just prolongs the and fed doing everything they can to pass the problem to the next pres. that will be ugly!
brad says (2:33 PM):
pass the pain, the american way
Frank says (2:34 PM):
i think this run is going to trap some bulls, lets see how they react
brad says (2:34 PM):
this could puke hard tomorrow frank
brad says (2:34 PM):
Frank says (2:35 PM):
yeah, first day reaction doesn't usually tell the story
Frank says (2:35 PM):
i think when they wake up and realize whats going on they will see the p/e are all bs
Suraj says (2:36 PM):
market dying...
brad says (2:36 PM):
i am just relaying what rut is telling us - close your eyes and sell this rally
Suraj says (2:36 PM):
AMZN fizzle put out'
Frank says (2:36 PM):
thats an interesting intraday chart!
Suraj says (2:37 PM):
missed buying GOOG 500 puts
Suraj says (2:38 PM):
had a much cheaper entry earlier
Frank says (2:39 PM):
high on spx was 1377.9 . do you feel about that level?
brad says (2:40 PM):
paper been aggressively buying ES ever since fed, but rut is telling me they know not what they do
Frank says (2:42 PM):
vix lod
brad says (2:42 PM):
uncertainty has been removed
Frank says (2:43 PM):
so the gov and fed have palyed their hands..what next?
brad says (2:43 PM):
paper still buying es, very aggressive
brad says (2:44 PM):
Frank says (2:44 PM):
is that bullish?
brad says (2:44 PM):
there is clearly some supply
Biegs says (2:44 PM):
lol, you think?
brad says (2:45 PM):
brad says (2:46 PM):
hate to admit it but it looks like the smart money is selling the shit out of this rally
BOB has left the conversation.
Biegs has left the conversation.
Frank says (2:54 PM):
this little rally will just lesten the impact when the rating agencies reduce ratings on the insurers
brad says (3:00 PM):
paper still very aggressive bid ES
Frank says (3:07 PM):
good entry now for QID, SDS, DXD, FXP for those that think this will fizzle out
Suraj says (3:07 PM):
AMZN has been all over the place
Suraj says (3:08 PM):
after the Fed release
Craig says (3:10 PM):
Frank, isn't FXP an annuity to you?;)
Frank says (3:11 PM):
Frank says (3:12 PM):
i'm in all those now with half the position i want. hoping to get the rest when they pull back to 50dma (if they do)
Frank says (3:12 PM):
need spx 1390-1400
Craig says (3:14 PM):
Frank, I think I am going to have to use you as an indicator.:D
Thomas says (3:16 PM):
Well and we have our 3 moves up down up
Frank says (3:17 PM):
Frank says (3:17 PM):
the last up stilll can run a bit, probably will tomorrow
Frank says (3:18 PM):
those furry creatures will let the bull play in the sun for one more day
brad says (3:19 PM):
aruj, you in right now?
Frank says (3:25 PM):
so the gov and fed have played their hands..what you all think they gunna do next to prop up the markets? out of bullets maybe!
Suraj says (3:26 PM):
push the ECB & BOE to cut rates... which they wont
Frank says (3:26 PM):
i agree
Suraj says (3:27 PM):
I guess it is a good time for me to refi
Frank says (3:28 PM): in amzn?
Suraj says (3:28 PM):
I had a position but got stopped out earlier today
Suraj says (3:28 PM):
so not anymore
Suraj says (3:28 PM):
I've GOOG puts for now
Suraj says (3:29 PM):
AAPL & RIMM seeing a bounce
Suraj says (3:30 PM):
lower highs and lower lows for QQQQ & DIA?
Suraj says (3:31 PM):
stalling......for the inevitable break lower?
Frank says (3:37 PM):
hussman put it out pretty good this week
Frank says (3:37 PM):
"As anticipated, the Fed initiated a large “intermeeting cut” on Tuesday morning, which helped the stock market to dodge a bullet. Unfortunately, my impression is that the bear is toting a semi-automatic with a full clip of ammo"
Frank says (3:37 PM):
they probably have 2 clips now
Suraj says (3:37 PM):
Suraj says (3:38 PM):
Should have picked up more puts
tcb660 has left the conversation.
Frank says (3:42 PM):
thomas...1st wave down on spx was 170, second 250, wahts your call on the 3rd?
Scorpion has left the conversation.
Frank says (3:44 PM):
i'm picking the avg, 210, target 1175
Suraj says (3:45 PM):
now what is the timeframe for that drop??
Suraj says (3:45 PM):
based off the past 2 waves...if there is such a correlation?
Frank says (3:46 PM):
first 2 took about 6 weeks each, lets go with that
Frank says (3:46 PM):
so 1175 by mar 15
Frank says (3:46 PM):
good as any analysis i've seen
Frank says (3:47 PM):
Suraj says (3:47 PM):
one week before March OPEX
Frank says (3:47 PM):
yeah, that will give them reason to get closer to 0
Suraj says (3:48 PM):
based on the 9/11 rate cut
Suraj says (3:48 PM):
the markets ignored it
Suraj says (3:48 PM):
and after the 2nd rate cut, the market started to pickup
Suraj says (3:49 PM):
not saying these are apples ot apples but...
Suraj says (3:49 PM):
the assurance that the Feds will step in if needed may give the market some solace
Frank says (3:49 PM):
i saw a great chart last night that showed the market actually goes down during rate cuts and up when they are raising.
Frank says (3:50 PM):
need to go find that again and give you the link
Suraj says (3:50 PM):
on the long term a decline..
Suraj says (3:50 PM):
short term?
Suraj says (3:50 PM):
I thought there was a pop
Frank says (3:50 PM):
it went back like 10 years
Suraj says (3:50 PM):
Suraj says (3:50 PM):
Some super volatile earnings tomorrow.....U in any of them?
Suraj says (3:50 PM):
Suraj says (3:50 PM):
Suraj says (3:50 PM):
Suraj says (3:50 PM):
Frank says (3:51 PM):
wow...the bulls are at the bar!
Frank says (3:54 PM):
none of those.
Frank says (3:54 PM):
i'm gunna take a small position in AMZN puts, just to play
Frank says (3:55 PM):
ZQNPN, apr70puts, filled at 5.95
BOB has been added to the conversation.
Biegs has been added to the conversation.
tcb660 has been added to the conversation.
Scorpion has been added to the conversation.
brad says (3:56 PM):
should have some nice long liquidation next couple days
Frank says (3:56 PM):
Frank says (3:57 PM):
i thought they could at least hold onto their present for a day!
brad says (3:57 PM):
relative weakness of rut was telling us not to drink the bullish koolaid
Frank says (3:57 PM):
i timed my etf entries perfect!
brad says (3:58 PM):
but seriously, there was some paper buyer of big s&p futures, must have bought 8-10k contracts. imagine it was a short exiting
Frank says (3:59 PM):
if it was, they are sorry now!
Tom says (3:59 PM):
OK we had a nice run ..3 day a/d 3-1
Biegs says (3:59 PM):
so is this really the resumption of the bear or does the market shock us all tomorrow?
brad says (3:59 PM):
had to get them out so we could tank
Frank says (4:00 PM):
experience shows you don't react to the intial move
Tom says (4:00 PM):
Yen down .71 yen carry trade back
Tom says (4:00 PM):
So the ES shorts worked well
Frank says (4:00 PM):
ttt...did you have stops on your calls?
Tom says (4:01 PM):
1370 1354 long way
Tom says (4:01 PM):
I had 0 calls except MSFT and GS
Frank says (4:01 PM):
GS ran to 205
Frank says (4:01 PM):
Tom says (4:02 PM):
Looks like I got stopped out on my GS stock woth a Big gain
Tom says (4:02 PM):
Looks like MSFT calls got stopped with a 10% loss
Frank says (4:02 PM):
suraj...check out amzn now...smack
Frank says (4:06 PM):
now check it out...lift off!!
Suraj says (4:07 PM): reports Q4 EPS 48c vs. consensus of 48c
AMZN reports Q4 revenue $5.67B vs. consensus of $5.37B.
Frank says (4:07 PM):
make up my mind!!!!
Frank says (4:07 PM):
it guidance that will matter
Suraj says (4:07 PM):
yup...not really a big move either far
Suraj says (4:08 PM):
see ya guys tomorrow
Suraj says (4:08 PM):
got to run
Suraj has left the conversation.
arujunaa has left the conversation.
brad has left the conversation.
Frank says (4:10 PM):
suns out!! see ya tomorrow
Frank has left the conversation.
Tom says (4:12 PM):
what a Fed day
Thomas says (4:12 PM):
What do you think Tom? Up tomorrow?
Frank has been added to the conversation.
arujunaa has been added to the conversation.
Tom says (4:13 PM):
Did anyone make any moves ???
Biegs says (4:13 PM):
just some day trades
Tom says (4:13 PM):
I was on the phone for almost 2 hours teading
Biegs says (4:13 PM):
unbelievable action
Tom says (4:13 PM):
really wild
Biegs says (4:13 PM):
just couldn't believe it wouldn't bounce
Biegs says (4:14 PM):
then it melted down when everyone around the world realized "holy crap, it's really not coming back"
Tom says (4:14 PM):
I shorted a bit too soon but got the bulk of the fall
Biegs says (4:14 PM):
don't know how the heck you do that stuff tom. good for you tho
Tom says (4:15 PM):
Brad was right on ...close your eyes and sell this rally !!!!!
Biegs says (4:16 PM):
yeah he was right on indeed
Tom says (4:16 PM):
Jerry says (2:21 PM):
I mean for us do not want play future . Any sub for ES short?
Tom says (2:21 PM):
SPY March 139
Tom says (2:21 PM):
Biegs says (4:16 PM):
i got a nice move on the way up, but only tiny bounces on the way down... kept betting on a bounce that never came
Biegs says (4:17 PM):
at least my rules got me out of those efforts BE or up a few
Tom says (4:17 PM):
Tom says (2:19 PM):
got 2 es short at 1370
Biegs has left the conversation.
Tom says (4:18 PM):
Frank says (2:39 PM):
high on spx was 1377.9 . do you feel about that level?
Tom says (4:19 PM):
brad says (2:46 PM):
hate to admit it but it looks like the smart money is selling the shit out of this rally
Tom says (4:19 PM):
Frank says (3:07 PM):
good entry now for QID, SDS, DXD, FXP for those that think this will fizzle out
Thomas says (4:20 PM):
Tom ... tomorrow up or down?
Thomas says (4:20 PM):
PayPal $125 and get all 2008 for 1/2 price
Just PayPal $125 to
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