Well we again saw the whipsaw action come into play as the July options expired and now we sit at another crucial stage in this Bull Markets history. Since I began this blog we have been pretty much dead on the market moves and have been ready for every turn. Making money in all kinds of market conditions is what I feel is my best attribute. The TTT HEDGE FUND was born with the idea that you can trade like a hedge fund manager at home on your time. Does it take work ?? Heck yes...but anything that can give you 1000% returns is ...we know that these returns can't be duplicated quickly especially in this environment but we also know that the strategies we have implemented WORK !!!
Starting Monday there will be a real attempt for the BEARS to regain control after not so much as a 7% correction over almost 6 years !!!
That is a impressive streak and the most important factor or I should say factors are ...the public does NOT believe it !!! Short interest is a record levels ...US investment at all time lows in US equities and THE FED WANTS YOU TO INVEST ...as another highly rated market timer has suggested "THE PLUNGE PROTECTION TEAM " is hard at work making sure you make money in the stock market ...SO WHY NOT JOIN IN !!!!!
THE FED CANNOT LET THE STOCK MARKET FALL ...with housing , sub prime and consumer debt ...a collapse in equities would kill any hopes of the economy staying positive. My thoughts ...having followed the FED for 31 years and playing stocks and options in concert with Dr. Greenspan for years and now accepting Bernanke as he is ...He is telling us that investing in Technology and healthcare and alt energy and basic industry is OK and if you do you will be rewarded ..if you speculate in anything you will be punished ..he has let the sub prime guys take their beating and loan loss reserves are now skyrocketing at ALL regional and international money center banks for ALL mortgage related issues ..which means ..the end is not near for the housing problems and lower rates are probably on the way ....What gets in the way ???
OIL OIL OIL and resources ...I have said that a rotation is coming and perhaps the rotation away from cyclical stocks like X US STEEL and 100's of others began this past week ???? I believe it has and whether this means a full fledged 10% correction then so be it but Banks and Biotech and tech will have to lead the next leg and inflation has to slow dramatically for this to happen ...
Our position ...we are BULLISH ...but we know that short term we can get hit hard and we know intermediate term we will get hit also if we don't get it short term ..??? From here on out until we get a TREND ....it really comes down to TRADING TRADING TRADING ...you cannot buy and hold unless you are a millionaire or you hit the perfect stock. The advance will get narrower and narrower in the next 6 months until we get the RATE CUT !!!! then IWM and small caps will come alive but for now the action in that sector is poor !!!!
We offer the most comprehensive service on the internet to help 1st time investors to seasoned pros ...our members are very successful traders to 1st time buyers...I work with you daily until you can do it on your own ...and for just $129.00 for all of 2007 and 2008 ...there is not a better 100% guaranteed service in the world like the TTT HEDGE FUND !!!
We have 4-12 daily e-mails plus a model portfolio of stocks and options for you to follow plus quarterly earnings plays and takeover targets ..everything the pros use you have at your fingertips 24/7.
Never has there been such a full service at such a small cost and instant access to a seasoned pro 24/7. Why not join me today ??? We offer a one week free trial to see if you like it and if you do ....
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This is the best investment you can make in your financial future so do it today ...I am looking forward to working with you and to begin the second half of 2007 with a bang !!!
Sincerely ,
Tom Malone
TTT Hedge Fund 2007
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