Saturday, March 3, 2007


Below is my Options Express account log....Now you can see how I positioned my self for the biggest drop in 4 years !!!!

What I do not show you is how when we were down 200 points I was selling them like Air Conditoners In July

I humuliate myself but fact is ...I was right and I did make a bunch of money ...just didn't hold through and use stops ...let emotion dictate....We all learn ...but our TTT HEDGE FUND PROSPERED as will you if you join today !!!!

read and weep !!!!
2/21/2007 8:31:54 AM
Order Filled
You have bought 20 contract(s) of IWN APR 83

2/21/2007 8:54:55 AM
Order Filled
You have bought 10 contract(s) of QQQQ MAR 46 Put.

2/21/2007 12:50:21 PM
Order Filled
You have bought 1 contract(s) of SPX MAR 1430 Put.

2/23/2007 8:43:05 AM
Order Filled
You have bought 2 contract(s) of SPX MAR 1450 Put.

9:42:26 AM
Order Filled
You have bought 7 contract(s) of QQQQ MAR 46 Put.

2/26/2007 9:46:04 AM
Order Filled
You have bought 10 contract(s) of IWN MAY 83 Put.
2/26/2007 9:09:39 AM
Order Filled
You have bought 5 contract(s) of SPY JUN 147 Put.
2/26/2007 8:55:11 AM
Order Filled
You have bought 10 contract(s) of QQQQ MAR 46 Put.

2/26/2007 11:23:07 AM
Order Filled
You have bought 1 contract(s) of OEX MAR WK A 665 Put.

2/27/2007 9:22:37 AM
Order Filled
You have bought 10 contract(s) of IWM MAR 82 Put.

The OEX weekly BTW was the 1 day trade that went up 1000% ...only the 3rd time I have done that....

Stay tuned and be part of #4


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